Title Nine faced a critical challenge with their segmentation strategy. They previously relied on broad targeting using third party data attributes, resulting in significant wasted ad spend and suboptimal performance. During a peak selling season, they needed greater efficiency in their Meta acquisition campaigns. They turned to Predictable due to our out-of-the-box predictive segments, which offered a quick turnaround in refining their segmentation strategy.
To address this challenge, Title Nine implemented Predictable in both their acquisition and retention efforts on Meta.
To optimize their acquisition campaigns, Title Nine utilized Predictable’s top acquisition segments as seed lookalike audiences. The specific segments included:
These predictive segments aimed to cut wasted ad spend and target more high-value customers, ensuring their advertising efforts reached the most promising prospects.
With over 25 successful years in business, the brand had amassed a robust list of historical customers. Title Nine aimed to retarget those most interested and ready to purchase by excluding customers identified in Predictable’s high churn segment from receiving ads. This strategy successfully engaged customers who were more likely to convert, while bypassing those with lower interest, resulting in better outcomes and heightened efficiency.
The adoption of Predictable revolutionized Title Nine’s Meta acquisition and retargeting strategies. Transitioning from broad targeting to precise, value-focused segments, they enhanced conversion rates, cut costs, and maximized return on ad spend. Ultimately, Title Nine realized an extraordinary 15x ROI on Predictable, showcasing the profound effect of advanced audience segmentation on campaign results.
Interested in seeing how Predictable can revolutionize your marketing efforts?
Schedule time with one of our experts today.