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Meet Predictable’s Purchase Propensity Model

Digital marketers operate in a highly competitive landscape, dominated by ever-evolving consumer demands and rapid technological advancements. There is a constant challenge to innovate and adapt strategies to meet these demands and stay relevant. Predictive modeling is rapidly becoming a fundamental tool for success. Understanding and forecasting customer purchasing behavior is crucial for personalized lifecycle marketing and efficient acquisition strategies.

Predictable’s Purchase Propensity Model fits into this landscape as a powerful tool for marketers, allowing for precise targeting and personalized marketing strategies. In this post, the focus will be on exploring Predictable’s innovative approach to purchase propensity and how it can transform marketing efforts.

Methodology Behind the Model

At its core, purchase propensity refers to the likelihood of a customer purchasing a product or service within a given timeframe. This concept becomes particularly potent when harnessed through sophisticated data analysis to predict future buying behaviors.

Predictable’s Purchase Propensity Model is built on your brand’s own first party data sources, including:

  • Transaction History
  • Email Activity 
  • Web Engagement

In addition to these key data pillars, you can also incorporate various forms of first party data to generate highly customized predictions.


Integration into your marketing workflows is effortless, thanks to Predictable’s plug-and-play integration. Customer scores and segments are directly populated into your Email Service Provider (ESP) or data hub, updating daily in response to ongoing customer behavior. This dynamic update guarantees that your marketing strategies stay relevant and impactful over time.

Strategically Powered Segmentation

The heart of your success as a marketer lies in your segmentation strategy. Predictable’s Purchase Propensity model provides customers scores and categorizes your customers into high, medium, and low propensity segments that are immediately ready for activation. Each category informs distinct behavioral likelihoods:

  • High Purchase Propensity: These customers fall within the top 20% most likely to make a purchase.
  • Medium Purchase Propensity: These customers are within the middle 60% likelihood of making a purchase.
  • Low Purchase Propensity: These customers are in the bottom 20% in terms of purchase likelihood.

Smart Segments

Smart Segments are strategically refined segments formed by combining model scores with customer features. The purchase propensity model powers the following smart segment:

  • Nth Purchase Propensity: Likelihood of making another purchase after the initial one.

Real-World Applications

The scores and segments from the purchase propensity model offer remarkable versatility, allowing for diverse deployment across your marketing channels. The most common strategies for basic segments include:

  • High Purchase Propensity: These customers are ideal for creating lookalike audiences and strategic retargeting to maximize ROI.
  • Medium Purchase Propensity: Customized offers and discounts can encourage this segment towards conversion.
  • Low Purchase Propensity: Recognizing this group enables optimized resource allocation by redirecting efforts more effectively.

Real Results

A leading retail brand optimized their Meta ads by excluding segments with low purchase propensity, achieving a 40% reduction in CPA on Meta platforms.

This approach is highly effective because it avoids targeting ads at individuals unlikely to buy. By excluding these low-propensity customers, wasted ad spend is eliminated while maintaining campaign performance.

Constantly Evolving

Predictable is designed with adaptability in mind, mirroring the dynamism that defines the digital marketing ecosystem. The strength of our models lies in their ability to learn from ongoing data streams and update regularly, ensuring that the predictions they generate are always current and relevant. This means marketers are empowered with predictive data that seamlessly aligns with the latest trends in customer behavior, making our solutions not just responsive but proactive.

Deciding to Use Predictive Modeling

The decision to integrate predictive AI into marketing strategies is pivotal, and it should be undertaken with careful consideration of timing, methodology, and underlying objectives. Here is how to approach this powerful tool:

Predictive AI FAQs

The optimal moment for you as a marketer to start utilizing predictive AI is after establishing a first party data collection processes. As your data pipelines expand, the natural progression is to leverage data-driven insights for enhanced decision-making. This often aligns with growth stages, such as expanding your customer base, launching new products, or entering new markets, which necessitate a refined and highly targeted marketing approach. Conversely, it can also be crucial when your growth is stagnating or ineffective.

How to Implement Predictive AI

You should ensure the availability of clean, comprehensive first party data as a foundation. Following this, partnering with a platform that offers seamless integration into your existing systems and workflows is critical for quick results.

Why Choose Predictive AI

Predictive AI, especially Predictable’s Purchase Propensity model, stands as a force multiplier for you as a marketer.  By predicting which segments of your customers are most likely to engage and convert, you can allocate resources more efficiently, maximizing your ROI while minimizing waste in ad spend and efforts. Like our e-commerce client who saw their middle-of-funnel campaigns’ CPA decrease by 40%. Or like this luxury accessory retailer who saw a 25% improvement in their Meta ads


First party data offers unparalleled insights into consumer behavior, preferences, and trends. This goldmine of information allows businesses to tailor their products, marketing strategies, and customer experiences precisely, offering a significant edge over competitors.

As the digital marketing space becomes more crowded, leveraging first party data effectively can be the difference between thriving and merely surviving. It enables companies to create personalized shopping experiences, improve customer loyalty, and ultimately drive sales in a market where one-size-fits-all approaches are no longer sufficient.

Leveraging predictive AI to get a better grasp on customer behavior opens up new pathways to marketing success. Predictable’s Purchase Propensity Model offers businesses a detailed, nuanced understanding of their customers, empowering them to make informed, strategic decisions that drive conversions and customer loyalty.


Interested in seeing how Predictable’s model can revolutionize your marketing efforts?

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